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Q1. IPv6 address is of ........ number of octets. Options: A) 8 B) 64 C) 16 D) All of the above Correct Answer: C) 16 Q2. IP addresses of the foll…


1. What is the primary benefit of pipelining in instruction execution?       Options: A) Increased throughput B) Reduced instruction count C) Off-c…


An addressing mode in computer architecture specifies how an instruction in a program refers to the data or operand it operates on. It defines the…


Q(1) When we want to transfer data from the keyboard to the attached computer, which mode of transfer is mostly preferred? Options: (a) Programmed …


Q1. What is the number of inputs and outputs of a half-adder? Options: a. 2 inputs and 1 output b. 2 inputs and 2 outputs c. 2 inputs and 3 outputs…


Topics  1. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Definition :  S MP i.e. symmetric multiprocessing,  refers to the computer architecture where multiple ide…
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